Topic outline
- General
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Wyndham College is innovative and progressive in its approach to integrating technology. As a BYOD school, we are able to provide students with 21st Century Learning catering to the needs of all students.
BYOD is a compulsory program for all students in years 11-12. Students are to bring a device to school daily that meets the BYOD Technical Specification. This is necessary so that students can access the school's wifi.
- Wi-Fi
- Library Devices
Library Devices
The Library stores laptops that may be borrowed to use in the Library only. Students who would like to loan a laptop need to leave their student ID card at the circulation desk and when the laptop is returned the ID card may be retrieved.
- Charging Laptops
Charging Laptops
Students may charge personal devices and laptops in the Library using the charge bar at the back of the Library. There are power points and USB points on the back wall which may be accessed by students in breaks throughout the day. Please supervise your devices at all times.
- BYOD Software
BYOD Software
BYOD Software
STEP 1: Click here to download FREE Software
Students are to download and install the following free Department of Education software from the NSW Students WebStore before attending commissioning:
- Adobe Creative Suite 6 from the WebStore
- Topic 6
Topic 6
- Topic 7
Topic 7
- Topic 8
Topic 8
- Topic 9
Topic 9
- Topic 10
Topic 10